Boys & Girls Club of Greater New Bedford

S.T.E.A.M Programs

Signup for spring programs. 

Winter programs for students in grades 3-10 that integrate science, technology, engineering, the arts, and music.

The Boys and Girls Club of New Bedford is excited to offer a 10 to 12-week programs for students in grades 3-10.  Comparable programs like idtech cost upwards of $700 per class. Our programs are free for members of the Boys and Girls Club. The teacher to student ratio is 1:10. Club membership is $50 per year. If you want to apply, please attend our informational session which will be held on the following days and times (Choose 1):

Tuesday, Jan 3 (4-5 PM or 5-6 PM) or Friday, Jan 6 (4-5 PM or 5-6 PM)

The Boys and Girls Club is located at 166 Jenney Street in New Bedford.

Digital Art & 3D Modeling/Printing, Fri 3-4PM (Jan 20-Mar 31)

Creative Coding: Programming art (with Processing) & music (with Sonic Pi), Mon 5-6PM (Jan 16-Mar 27)

Brain Training with virtual reality, Inner Balance heart rate variability sensors, and the Muse EEG, Mon & Wed 3-3:30, (Jan 16-Mar 31)

Video Game Programming, Wed 4-5 PM, (Jan 20-Mar 31)

Piano/Keyboard Lessons, ($50 per mo), Friday, 4:15-5:15 (5 seats only)



Create animated games and stories. Take your art and music skills to the next level. Create your own tickers and print your own 3-D models. Learn to program computers and the most powerful supercomputer of all – your brain.


GDevelop is a no-code game maker that allows you to create any kind of 2D game for iOS, Android, and more.

  • Develop 2D games
  • Explore game design principles
  • Use event logic to “code” your games


Take your art skills to the next level. Create 2D and 3D art with Inkscape.

  • Create cartoons, graphic art, video game sprites, logos, stickers, and 3D prints
  • Work with vector paths, draw shapes, add colors, patterns, and gradients to drawings
  • Transform objects by scaling, rotating, shearing, and duplicating


Dive into programming logic with Scratch, the drag-and-drop creative learning environment developed by MIT Media Lab. You’ll use code blocks and characters to gain a foundation in computational thinking, creating animated stories and games.

  • Create variables and if-else statements
  • Program using arithmetic operators
  • Design and animate sprites
  • Experiment and explore to build creativity and confidence


Discover the exciting world of your brain.

  • Use sensors and technologies to peek inside the brain and body
  • Learn techniques to improve your focus and happiness


Do you love music? Garageband is a digital audio workstation we’ll use to create music.

  • Learn chords, timing, harmony and rhythm to make music
  • Learn to layer, sequence, quantize, edit, and mix multi-layered songs from start to finish.

Sonic Pi

Sonic Pi is a programming environment that lets you code music line by line.

  • Go deeper into music theory and the science of sound
  • Learn to program and modify sound waves to produce music


Create Digital Art with Processing Processing is a programming language designed for the electronic arts.

  • Learn the fundamentals and syntax of the language while creating amazing works of art.
If you want to apply, please attend our informational session which will be held on Friday, March 18 from 4-5 at the Boys and Girls Club located at 166 Jenney Street in New Bedford. To optimize students’ learning experience, parent participation is required. Only 10 seats.

Thank you to our Sponsors

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