S.T.E.A.M Programs

Signup for spring programs.
Winter programs for students in grades 3-10 that integrate science, technology, engineering, the arts, and music.
The Boys and Girls Club of New Bedford is excited to offer a 10 to 12-week programs for students in grades 3-10. Comparable programs like idtech cost upwards of $700 per class. Our programs are free for members of the Boys and Girls Club. The teacher to student ratio is 1:10. Club membership is $50 per year. If you want to apply, please attend our informational session which will be held on the following days and times (Choose 1):
Tuesday, Jan 3 (4-5 PM or 5-6 PM) or Friday, Jan 6 (4-5 PM or 5-6 PM)
The Boys and Girls Club is located at 166 Jenney Street in New Bedford.
Digital Art & 3D Modeling/Printing, Fri 3-4PM (Jan 20-Mar 31)
Creative Coding: Programming art (with Processing) & music (with Sonic Pi), Mon 5-6PM (Jan 16-Mar 27)
Brain Training with virtual reality, Inner Balance heart rate variability sensors, and the Muse EEG, Mon & Wed 3-3:30, (Jan 16-Mar 31)
Video Game Programming, Wed 4-5 PM, (Jan 20-Mar 31)
Piano/Keyboard Lessons, ($50 per mo), Friday, 4:15-5:15 (5 seats only)
Create animated games and stories. Take your art and music skills to the next level. Create your own tickers and print your own 3-D models. Learn to program computers and the most powerful supercomputer of all – your brain.
- Develop 2D games
- Explore game design principles
- Use event logic to “code” your games
- Create cartoons, graphic art, video game sprites, logos, stickers, and 3D prints
- Work with vector paths, draw shapes, add colors, patterns, and gradients to drawings
- Transform objects by scaling, rotating, shearing, and duplicating
- Create variables and if-else statements
- Program using arithmetic operators
- Design and animate sprites
- Experiment and explore to build creativity and confidence
- Use sensors and technologies to peek inside the brain and body
- Learn techniques to improve your focus and happiness
- Learn chords, timing, harmony and rhythm to make music
- Learn to layer, sequence, quantize, edit, and mix multi-layered songs from start to finish.
Sonic Pi
- Go deeper into music theory and the science of sound
- Learn to program and modify sound waves to produce music
Create Digital Art with Processing Processing is a programming language designed for the electronic arts.
- Learn the fundamentals and syntax of the language while creating amazing works of art.