Seasonal Programs
Your child MUST be a member to participate in of the following programs. If your child is not a current member, then click HERE to complete the full membership application.
Spring Semester
April – June
What we offer:
Z’s Band (Music instruction: bass, guitar, ukelele, keys, vocals), Yoga, MakerSpace (3D Modeling, Printing, Laser cutting, programming, digital art, music) Dance, Art, Field Trips, Cooking Classes, Boxing and Conditioning, and more.
Monday-Friday 2:30am to 6:00pm
Summer Programming
Each week, we provide instruction in music, technology (programming, digital art & music, stop motion animation), dance, art, gardening, field trips, cooking, sports/athletics, and more. $50 per week.
June 30 – August 22
Monday-Friday 9-4
After Care 4-5pm ($10 per day)