30th Annual
Rick Jalbert All-Star Basketball Challenge
Friday March 21st 2025
Rick Jalbert’s 30th Annual All-Star Basketball Challenge
5he Boys & Girls Club of Greater New Bedford invites you to participate as a sponsor for our 29th annual Rick Jalbert All-Star Basketball Challenge, planned to take place on March 21, 2024. This basketball challenge features 48 boys and girls high school all-star basketball players in a series of basketball games. The entire basketball event is attended by approximately 600 people.
All proceeds from this event help to ensure that the Boys & Girls Club of Greater New Bedford continues to provide a curriculum in career development, academic enrichment, prevention alternatives to drug, alcohol and violence, as well as social and recreational activities. Each year these programs and services allow the Club to enhance the feeling of hope and opportunity for more than a thousand boys and girls Club members of the Boys & Girls Club of Greater New Bedford. Please help us to open the door to a child’s future today…GREAT FUTURES START HERE!
Games Schedule
All the high school players you’ve read about and followed all year long will be in attendance. Special guest former New England Patriots Super Bowl Champ Matt Light will announce the winners of the Dan Pires Memorial Scholarship.
6pm: Jr. All Star Game
7pm High School All-Star Girls – Southcoast Conference (SCC) vs. Southeastern (SEC)
8:30pm High School All-Star Boys – Southcoast Conference (SCC) vs. Southeastern (SEC)
Admissions Prices
$5 Adults / $3 Students / $2 Children
Tickets available at door
Annual Raffle Great Prizes!
Sponsorship Opportunities
Call Wendy Crowley at 508-992-8011 for any sponsorship/ad questions.
$1,500 - Premier All-Star Sponsor
$1,000 - All-Star Sponsor
$500 - Hoop Sponsor
$250 - Team Sponsor
$150 - Challenge Booster
$75 - Half Page Ad in Event Program Book
Thank you to our sponsors!